The only fast and clean alternative

for pest control in foodstuffs

The principle

Schéma de la solution Uhinov

The Uhinov solution is a patented low-temperature and continuous process,  using microwave technology in single mode. The food is cooled after treatment to bring it back to its initial temperature.


The pest control market offers several solutions. Uhinov is, however, the only one with all of the following characteristics:

100% efficient

Thanks to our design, insects are targeted directly at the heart of the material which eliminates all adult forms, larvae and eggs in a single pass.

Zero product impact

The biological composition of insects makes them more receptive to microwaves and causes them to heat up before the food, which allows treatments at low temperatures. The quality of the product is thus preserved and complies with the standards of the food industry.

Organic and sustainable

Designed and manufactured in France, complies with European organic regulation RCE 834/2007. In addition, microwave technology allows rapid processing at low energy cost.

Continous flow

Can be integrated into the production line thanks to its autonomous operation by selection of recipe and its throughput up to several tonnes per hour depending on the commodity and the installed power.

Mobile solution

This compact, plug and play solution can be easily moved on a trailer for processing as close as possible to the foodstuff and interventions on multiple sites.


Integrated functions

  • Selection of recipes according to the commodity
  • Autonomous operation
  • Cooling after treatment
  • Detection and elimination of ferrous metals

Optional functions

  • Detection and elimination of non-ferrous metals
  • Energy recovery module
  • Remote maintenance equipment
Machine industrielle Uhinov

No compromise on security

Human safety is at the heart of our concerns. The design of our solution guarantees compliance with the standards, in particular with regard to exposure to electromagnetic fields, as well as total user safety.